The company was established in 1994 by a group of specialists experienced in assembling construction works,
specialized on the construction sites of the Bucharest Chemical Machines Assembling Trust and of Rompetrol Bucharest.
The company spreads of 10 500 mp and has at its disposal the following spaces:
- Offices500 mp ;
- Metallic works workshop 1000 mp;
- Painting and sanding workshop600 mp;
- Auto repairs workshop400 mp;
- Joinery workshop200 mp;
- Civil constructions workshop400 mp;
- Closed warehouses and storage facilities for raw materials and other materials 350 mp;
- Ramps and platforms for materials1000 mp;
- Platforms for finite metallic works storage800 mp;
- Concrete platforms for parking1000 mp.
In the present, the company also includes authorized personnel as follows:
- ISCIR authorized personnel for the technical supervision of the works;
- ISCIR authorized personnel in charge with welding;
- electrical welders (steel) authorized by ISCIR;
- PVC welders authorized by ISCIR;
and has the endowments necessary for the activity which is being rendered;
- machines fleet covering 95% of the total necessary on the sites;
- tools and appliances necessary for its own activity;
- metallic works workshop;
- splinting processing workshop;
- materials storage warehouses and ramps;
- garage and auto repair shop for its own fleet.
S.C MONTAJ CARPATI S.A is authorized as follows:
- Authorized by ISCIR for:
- Assembling and repairs :
- Stable under pressure recipients, pressure < 40 bar;
- Technological pipelines with pressure > 40 bar;
- Steam and hot water boilers with pressure < 16 bar.
- Assembling:
- Hot water boilers with Q > 300 kw, pressure < 16 bar
S.C MONTAJ CARPATI S.A has executed construction and assembling works for S.C. PETROM S.A. on the basis of :
- Petrom authorization certificate for:
- Civil, industrial constructions, works of art, including interior installations and external joints;
- Metallic works;
- Technological machines assembling;
- Other engineering works.
- Petrom authorization certificate for:
- Buildings repairs, including industrial installations;
- Repairs of boilers with a maximum volume of 3000 m3.;
- Repairs for oil, water, gas and steam pipes;
- Repairs of technological installations from parks.
Field of activity:
- Oil, gas, water transportation pipes of steel and PVC;
- Manufacturing and assembling of metallic constructions and structures;
- Metallic tanks, manufacturing and/or assembling;
- Pumping stations, key compressor stations, trestle bridges for over-crossings, etc.;
- Civil and industrial constructions.